Dorset Council have received an application to close A354 to Long Crichel – Lane, Long Crichel, 320 meters from the junction of Long Crichel To More Crichel – Lane, (in both directions), for a distance of approximately 250 metres the road will be closed. The closure has been requested to allow South West Water to provide a new water service.

These works are programmed to commence from 09:00, 4th January 2022 until, 12th January 2022.

The road closure will be publicised in a number of ways:

  • information boards on the road in this area to inform the travelling public of the works
  • a letter drop to local residents directly affected by the works
  • signing of a vehicular diversion route using the local road network.

The map in the official notice embedded below (as a PDF) shows the extent of the closure and the diversion route. The official notice (as a PDF) can also be downloaded here.

If you have any concerns about this proposal, please contact Nigel Coelho, ( by 13th December 2021.

Consultation Document - A354 to Long CrichelLane, Long Crichel (PDF)
Proposed temporary road closure of A354 to Long Crichel – Lane (January 2022)
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