To enable us to carry out insitu surface treatment work, Dorset Council plan to close C103 Gussage St Michael to Gussage All Saints between 14th June and 28th June 2022. The road will be closed between the hours of 07:00 and 17:00 but it will be open overnight. During the closure periods there will be no on street parking available. Parking restrictions will be imposed to prevent waiting or parking on the roads stated above. Any vehicle waiting in contravention of any restriction imposed by this Notice may be removed under the provisions of the Removal and Disposal of Vehicles Regulations 1986. If a vehicle has been towed the owner will need to contact the towing contractors Bride Valley on 01305 889421.
The Council will be repairing sections of road within the area marked in red indicated on the map in the official notice, which can be seen below as an embedded PDF or downloaded as a PDF here. The diversion route is marked in blue.
Vehicular and pedestrian access will be maintained for residents, however there may be a time where they are asked to wait depending on the current activity on site.
These works are being carried out by Colas Ltd on behalf of Dorset Council. For Site enquires contact 01476404200 or email: